Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BK Kid's Meal

Burger King just launched another misleading advertisement for kids. “The BK kids Meal”. The Burger King new kids meal campaign is designed to be healthier, limited sodium and create a healthier lifestyle for children. This advertisement is misleading because it does not announce the truth behind the product it is promoting instead it hides the truth. This campaign does not promote any of the ideas it claims to. Instead the kids meal is designed a meal that has high amounts of sodium and enough Glycemic carbohydrate to lead children to future health diseases’such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, ADHD and Alzheimer disease. I will be investigating delivery the facts about this advertisement and provide clear evidence on why this advertisement is misleading to our children.

I will start by breaking things down and showing what really in Burger King’s new kid’s meal. First, let me introduce what comes with the meal. The meal comes with a Kraft macaroni and cheese dish with apple fries, Hershey’s milk, and cheese sauce mix. Burger King claims this new kid’s meal on the menus is healthier and will limit sodium by 600 milligram in meals targeting children 12 and under. Apparently the term healthy was misunderstood. One untruthful statement is the Kraft macaroni. The Kraftmacaroni alone holds a total of 260 calories per box that the same amount as a regular hamburger from McDonalds. The cheese sauce mix and Macaroni combine havean total of 15mg of cholesterol and 540mg of sodium and 410 calories and 30g of fat, a total of 49g of carbohydrate. According to Barbara L. Minton, a psychologist who is the author of Analysis Burger King New Healthy meal for kids, that isenough glycemic carbohydrate to lead you down path of diabetes. There is a meager amount of protein along with preservatives and food coloring, which can easily cause ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease.

Fast Food Ad Investigations: ThesisIn particular, my ad for Burger King, The Su...

I think your thesis should state what the advertisement is claiming. For example, "Although BK claims..." Also, you should have three points to talk about in your paper. For example, "Although BK claims...it doesn't show x, y, z."

body paragraph

The final reason why the Super Seven Incher should not appeal to readers is that it is unhealthy for you. Stephanie Watson, the author of Fast Food, says "Healthy experts have been saying for years that fast food is bad for people" (Watson). The sandwich might lookk good but if it is so unhealthy for you then why would you even want it? There are no actual nutritional facts out for the sandwich yet so Burger King just might be hiding something. They have this gorgeous sandwich with no nutritional information. More than likely the sandwich is bad for you; it is a seven inch sandwich with a1 steak sauce and cheese.


While this advertisement for the BK Super Seven Incher claims it is so good that it'll blow your mind away and that BK just tastes better, it doesn't show what goes on behind the counter, like the conditions the workers face, the way the meat is prepared, and how unhealthy it is for you.

Fast Food Ad Investigations: Freebirds

Fast Food Ad Investigations: Freebirds: "Thesis/mapping statementFreebirds World Burrito using sarcasm in its ad introducing black bean soup as a new menu item, but I argue that m..."

That's an interesting ad; however, I am having a difficult time understanding just as you did. Would you mind explaining the relationship between food testing and smoking cigarettes? You really did not mention that in your paragraph.
I am here to argue that Jack in the Box is in fact misleading, tre American meals by advertising a picture off of the Jack in the Box website showing a, burger that is full of grease, coke as an American drink, and having fries to top off the grease in the meal. I will present evidence revealing the true American meal as a whole.

On the aspects of advertisements, the Jack in the Box advertisement does not portray reality. The size of the real burger and fries does not look anything like the picture shown. The actual size of the food given out is much smaller and not nearly as “fancy” or “dressed up” as the advertisements portrays to be. As the re-designed ad shows the real sizes of the tacos from the advertisement tacos, this is a down fall on jack in the Box’s outlook on business. This “fake” advertisement and look that all fast foods obtain is a negative outlook on the obesity problems. Jack in the Box ninety nine cent tacos are really made of ground beef, refried beans, chili powder, taco sauce, and other ingredients. “The percentage of the fat in the taco is half of the whole tacos content put together” (Eyck). The tacos in the advertisements look real and look very tasty, with its big fluffy lettuce, juicy meat, bright red tomatoes, and melting cheese sprinkled over the taco. With the “All-American” meal being a melting pot of many and different traditions, fajitas play a major part in the American culture. Fajitas and tacos are similar in the way of preparation and ingredients. So the tacos that Jack in the Box advertise is trying to advertise an American tradition, but the re-designed advertisement of Jack in the Box clearly abandons the “All-American” meal, and gives the general public a sense of “reality.” On the aspect of education, educating people all around the world about the dark side of Jack in the Box, and other fast foods would probably be a huge epidemic on Jack in the Box, and their business would probably go bankrupt. Many people that work at these jack in the Box’s would go out of a job and others that work at fast food places around the world would quickly go out of a job as well. There are ups and downs on fast food industries, but most of that are the down falls of fast food industries. The number of Hispanic adolescents working at Jack in the Box is seventy percent, and the rest of thirty percent are “other” (Drewnowski).

In particular, my ad for Burger King, The Super Seven Incher, is deceptive and controversial. My ad mixes fast food with sexual related content aiming young teenagers and adults. They have aimed at a specific group of people but through the wrong ways like any other ad out there in the fast food industry. The ad that I have chosen is unique in the way that it tries to reach people, it tries to get you to purchase their product, but they do not tell you the real truth behind it as I will, deceiving, explicit content behind its original meaning, unhealthy but overall misleading.


Burger King has always been a company that aims and targets mainly adult people because of their beefy burgers and big combo but in recent years, Burger King released an ad with a young attractive female with her mouth wide open, with red lipstick and a meaty sandwich waiting to enter her mouth. But if the description just is not enough, they went ahead and added a quote to it that will give you the real meaning of this ad; the ad states “It will blow your mind away”, the simple quote itself is greatly misleading. This ad is trying to sell its new to the market product the Seven Incher, but Burger King went about it the wrong way in which people will understand it mainly by the sexual way rather than what it really is meant to do. First of all they will see the negative side of it, which in this case is perfectly relating to oral sex. A young girl with her mouth open and the seven incher with lots of meat and creamy mayo as it states at the bottom of the ad waiting to be devour. Obviously this is ad is aimed towards young people to adult aged people, but what happens if it really is not intended for that. At the bottom of the ad Burger king tries to lure you away from the picture but the picture itself is so big it is hard to ignore. Burger King tries to make it seem so good and appetizing, the picture is all meaty, great and big, but quite honestly the sandwich itself is not the best. All these ads are corrupted through the work of a computer and fake elements. First of all, Burger King states that it is a seven inch sandwich, but they only show so much in the picture that who knows if it really is seven inches. Usually these sandwiches are not what they say they are, in pictures they are depicted really extravagant, but when you receive it, you are either disappointed by the lack of taste, quality of the product and overall appearance of the product.