Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Not Thinking Arby's

This advertisement for Arby’s new Roastburger uses provocative imagery to claim that it is the “burger done better.” Unfortunately, the ad neglects to address the effects that accompany consuming fast food as well as the effects of sexual imagery in advertising.
Body Paragraph:
Although, this advertisement claims that the Roastburger is the “burger done better” it is hardly the truth. Arby’s has omitted the disturbing realities that lie behind the origins of their meat. The meat that makes up the Roastburger is the same as the meat that is inserted into any other fast food joint’s burgers. It comes from one of the four massive slaughterhouses that produce patties that contain E. coliO157: H7, have pieces of hundreds of individual cows in a single patty, and even contain traces of fecal matter. How could this burger be done better when “there is shit in the meat” (Schlosser 197)? The cows slaughtered in the huge slaughterhouse factories have stood ankle deep in their own feces almost their entire lives so when they arrive at the slaughterhouse they are caked in fecal matter. There is an attempt to spray down the cows as they enter the factory, but the assembly line is moving so rapidly that it is impossible to completely disinfect every cow that enters. “If the slaughterhouse is slaughtering 400 animals an hour, how do you keep that manure from getting onto those carcasses” (Pollan, Food, Inc.)? Answer is, you can’t. Fecal matter is transferred onto meat through contact with other carcasses and workers who are unable to sanitize their cutting tools (because they are working so quickly). And if that does not make you sick, how about some E. coliO157: H7 with your Roastburger? E. coli, in it’s original form, is a helpful little bacterium in the digestive system. E. coliO157: H7 is a mutated form of that same bacterium that produces a harmful toxin. The mutation has been traced back to the poor diets of the cows going into the factory slaughterhouses. Cows are programmed to eat grass, clover, or whatever is growing from the ground, but in recent years we have altered their diets so that they eat foods that are cheap to produce in large quantities. So when we tried to change what cows eat we created another problem, a mutated for of E. coli. When ingested, E. coliO157: H7’s toxins attack the intestinal lining and can also cause kidney failure, anemia, internal bleeding, and even death (Schlosser 199). No burger is worth risking your health and possibly your life for. Arby’s purchases this potentially lethal meat, puts it between two buns, wraps it up in a pretty package, and calls it a Roastburger.


  1. I found your body paragraph very interesting, I never knew Arby's uses the same meat as other fast food industries. After reading your post, I don't think I can trust the 'healthy' restaurants as well. Your post was eye opening, I really liked it.

  2. I had no idea slaughterhouses killed 400 animals per hour. Nor was I aware of the fecal matter cows have on them and how it could potentially get onto the meat. You have awesome facts in your body paragraph that it makes me wish you posted the whole paper. Good job(:

  3. After reading this I honestly feel disgusted, I like how you take the ugly truth out. Since the paper assignment was to convince readers to agree with your arguement, I believed you fulfilled the requirements. Great use of sources and I also like the last sentence "..lethal meat...". Good job.

  4. Your points on the unsanitary conditions make a large impact on the reader. All of the facts you provided really hit me in the gut. It is truly horrifying to know that we consume meat that could possibly contain feces. :O
