Tuesday, April 5, 2011



My advertisement claims, “Now You Can Pay Rent and Eat” because there are ten items starting at one dollar each. Every time I see this advertisement it makes me angry and disgusted because this ad does not tell the truth about the Burger King’s restaurants. This advertisement is really saying at what sacrifice does Burger King make in order to give us the cheaper price in the food we eat? I will present different types of sacrifice that Burger King have made in order to give us the cheaper price of food, such as employment of younger people, dangers in the kitchen, the portion size that is given, and the hazard and cleanliness of the kitchen and its workers.

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Second thing is this Burger King’s advertisement does not show the different types of dangers that lurk in the kitchen. Just image that one of these biscuit and sausage sitting front of you. As you picture this item just think of about how well it smells and how golden brown the biscuit and the well done sausage is looking right now. Doesn’t that look good right now, which it makes you, want to go out and buy one? Before you decide to get one I want you to think about this fact. How many times have we heard of a recall on a fast food restaurants produce or products? According to Sobel and Sowadsky, “in recent years outbreaks of E. coil O157:H7 infections have been caused by contaminated produce and juices; however, undercooked ground beef remains the most common vehicle of transmission (1). Just think if we never knew about the recall of these types of products from these fast food restaurants that they would sell this tainted product to make a quick buck. I believe that some of these fast food restaurants like Burger King doesn’t know the dangers that come with using cattle meat to feed their consumers. Schlosser points out that a modern processing plant can produce 800,000 pound of hamburger a day, meat that will be shipped throughout the United States. A single animal infected with E. coli O157:H7 can contaminate 32,000 pounds of that ground meat (204). Just think if one of these cattle is made in to that biscuit and sausage sandwich that Burger King made it look delicious on the advertisement. By eaten one of these contaminated meat can make a person really sick or it could even kill them if they do not get treatment in enough time. Imaging eaten a cinnamon roll, egg and ham sandwich or a biscuit with sausage sandwich for breakfast then three to four hours later we are at home or in the hospital trying to fight this bug called E. coli O157:H7 because our food was contaminated.

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